21 December 2024, Johor-Malaysia: With much better weather and less challenging conditions, Day 2 of the 2nd annual KEJORA Surfing Cup at Tanjung Balau Beach saw intense competition in all divisions as competitors fought to keep from being eliminated and continue their chase for a place on the podium on Finals Day, where trophies, prize money, and ranking points awaits.
The Men’s Shortboard Division has been parsed down to 10 competitors (2 Indonesian’s and 8 Malaysians), who will battle it out tomorrow morning in two semifinal heats of 5 surfers each, while the Women’s Shortboard Division has 6 competitors in two semifinals of 3 surfers each (5 Malaysians and 1 Singaporean), before the finals of all divisions are scheduled to commence at approximately 9:45 am tomorrow starting with the Bodyboard Division. See the schedule at https://liveheats.com/events/317148/schedule

The first heat of the day got under way at 8:30 am with sunshine and significantly less wind than yesterday and plenty of waves in the 3-4 foot range, allowing the Men’s Shortboard competitors to spend more time on the waves as opposed to paddling against them while trying to find a good scoring opportunity. Men’s Longboard, Grommets (Under 16 years old), Bodyboard and the Women’s Shortboard divisions all saw action today, with the Men’s Longboard Division enjoying some of the event’s best wave conditions to end the day’s competition at just after 5:30 pm.
“Today we had good weather, that held all the way until the last heat of the day,” said Head Judge Takin Arakawa. “The wind was much less and waves still in the 1.5 meter plus range, so the performances from the surfers was better. Yesterday was very challenging, with strong winds and constant closing out waves, and even some rain. Some of the surfers had a tough time even making it out and catching waves, so we were all happy that today’s conditions improved so much. Tomorrow we’re expecting another day of good weather and less wind, and even a slight drop in swell size, which should give us a great set up to run the finals.”

The event director has announced to the remaining competitors to be on standby tomorrow morning at 8:00 am.
After the Finals have been completed, there will be an awarding presentation starting at 4 pm.
You can watch the KEJORA Surfing Cup live on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=526170670410618
And check the schedule as well as follow the scores on Live Heats at https://liveheats.com/events/317148

The KEJORA Surfing Cup 24
The KEJORA Surfing Cup 24 is organized by the Sinar Tanjung Balau Cooperative (KSTB) in collaboration with the South East Johor Development Authority (KEJORA), the Malaysian Surfing Association (PLOM) and the Johor Surfing Association with official partners Quiksilver, Adabi, Harley Davidson Motorcycles, BSN, and PT Aliyah Rizq Agriculture.
Consistent with the ASC’s mission to develop and grow the sport of surfing in the Asian Region, the ASC is delighted with the opportunity to work with PLOM, KTSB and KEJORA and provide media support for the KEJORA Surfing Cup 24, and is committed to help support and encourage the growth of surfing in Malaysia in 2025 and beyond.
About the ASC
The Asian Surf Cooperative is a professional surfing organization with 20 years of experience in organizing, managing and supporting surfing events and providing educational programs around the Asian region.
The ASC’s mission is to grow the sport of surfing in Asia by offering reliable and consistent resources and assistance to both small and large organizations as they work to progress the sport and their surfing athletes, including consulting and management, live computer scoring, certified judges and professional staffing, event media packages, athlete management, and site surveys, as well as ISA surf instructor and judging/officiating programs.
See more at www.asiansurf.co and @asiansurfco
About PLOM
Persatuan Luncur Ombak Malaysia is the recognised national governing body to represent the sport of surfing, bodyboarding & stand up paddling (SUP) in Malaysia on a national and an international level.
Formed in 2019, PLOM has managed the national surfing team at Philippines 2019 SEA Games for Men’s & Women’s Shortboard & Men’s Longboard Category.
PLOM is a membership based organisation and currently has 5 state surfing associations registered as our affiliated members. See more at https://www.surfingmalaysia.org and https://web.facebook.com/SurfingMalaysiaAssociation and on IG at @persatuanluncurombakmalaysia