

Our Elite Program is our most comprehensive, personalized, and performance-driven training program. It includes surfing, video analysis, and physical training, all led by our top elite coaches. With the Elite Program, you will experience a complete surfing performance journey.

elite options

private Session
group Session


One Surf Session with Elite Surf Coach

90 Minutes

A surf session with an Elite Surf Coach, packed with personalized coaching and hands-on practice to sharpen your skills and performance.

Video Analysis Coaching with Elite Surf Coach

30 - 60 Minutes

After the surf session, benefit from a video analysis. Our coach will review your performance and provide targeted feedback and actionable tips to keep improving.

Performance Data and Training session with Elite Athlete Coach

60 Minutes

Our Elite Athlete Coach will make a Performance Data analysis in order to make a personalized training and become a more complete surfer with our physical training sessions.

Jl. Subak Sari Barat, Gg. Sri Kahyangan No.77, Tibubeneng, Kec. Kuta Utara, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361
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